Don't just race to compete. . . race to achieved eternal life. .

The First Attempt. .

Bataan Death March 102km Fun Run =)

To run or not to run? That is the question 🙂

One goal. One route. One distance. But different story and experiences. The longest and craziest route I’ve ever ran. . My first attempt,  my experience and a short story to share.

Gun Start

March 3, 2012 – Mariveles, Bataan 22:15hrs

While the others busy for photo ops and chit chats, I was quietly isolated to do my own rituals. Then I heard the gun fire,  that was

the time I jogged at last pack and started the journey.

km 0 – km 7 (making my own strategy)

I followed to my cousin Jerome Lagumbay (who finished 10th) until we passed to km 7. From there I let him go and never followed or seen him on the route again. Strategy success! Survived on that hilly part.

km 8 – km 50 (struggled to reach at 50)

Run. Walk. Run. Stop & Chit Chat. Laugh. Smile. Hand signs like good, ok, wave. Greetings. Hydrate. Ate bars. And due to pain, I changed from brooks to nike LG2 shoes. Until I reached the point my pace become slower and slower, turns into jogging, then walking slower and slower. Until I found myself lying and sleeping on the waiting shed.

Decision Making

at 50km post. . from km 45 took 1hr before I reached km 50. . 😛

At last I reached at km50. I wait for our support to came back and took a photos on km50 post =). So happy but really really tired. Iremoved compression sleeve, even my back up compression calves. Before our support to leave I asked 2 fudgee bars (baon) and refilled my hydration belt. I use a lot of linament (omega sports) to massage my painful quads and calves. While time is passing and last pack runners are arriving, I’m still on the moment of decision making whether to continue or stop the journey. Words of encouragement came from my friends and other running groups/support. At 6:30AM (based on my watch), I decided to continue and started the 2nd half of the course.

km60 – km83 (Second wind)

Photo taken by TKR

On the second half, the things I have was 2 fudgee bars, 2 hydration bottle (water+gatorade) and a powerful weapon (PRAYER). Before our support leave me, we agreed to meet at km60, additional 5km compare what we did on the first half. Then I started to jog, the strategy I’ve done was as usual, Run-Walk-run. But my target was to reach at km60 in one hour to meet our support. Everytime I saw a runner in front of me, I tried to passed them running 6.0 to 6.30 pace until I reached at km60. No support waiting, so I continue running with the same speed and strategy then updating them where am I.

Dinalupihan, oh yes, the longest and straight route. One of the best part, a test for mental toughness specially when you are running alone and for endurance running under the heat of the sun. I survived through the help of other support and buying fresh “buko juice” and  water. Approaching km81 or 82 near the gasoline station, I stopped and hold my shaking quads then suddenly kneel downed just like I was collapsed but quickly recover to continue running. That time one lady approached me to give a cold bath towel and a gatorade. Before I crossed to km82, some support crew gave me foods (2 pcs of banana, I ate only 1) and another cold sponge bath, wow so refreshing. Then I continue to jogged/walked til I reached km83. From there other support crews shared their supplies and point the direction, so blessed.

km83 – 87 (kwentuhan pace)

With other wasak runner, we walk and calculating our arrival if we continue walking. When we reached to km 86 or 87 I saw my support and my cousin enjoying the rides lol. I let the others continue walking while I stopped, ate egg, cold bath, massage and change shoes.

With The Support Crew =)

km87- km102 (third wind? and the final HATAW)

Tsinelas Runner =)

On the first 2 kilometer after I saw our support, I used slippers to continue, then I decided to used brooks again for final HATAW, I told them to meet me every 2km to guide me where to go. They are still energetic that give boost to me. They also updated me how many runners ahead of me, they cheer for me and encourage to overtake them. Wow, just like I’m looking for podium hahaha. . and yes I did it. From the last check point, the guy told me Im on rank 78 but I finished at rank 68. WOHOOO. . SUCCESS!

Thank you, Lord for the strength you gave on us. We are Survivor!

Good/Bad things happen:

1. I dont suffer blister, what’s the secret?

Customized socks! =)

2. I dont actually suffer cramps, but warning of cramps occurred during my last 10-15meters away from the finish line. Toinkz sisirain pa moment =)

3. I learned a lot on this attempt. First do not race on the mountain a week before BDM. *quads suffered a lot*

4. Got a problem where to put the trophy (replica of BDM 102 kilometer post) hahaha.

5. Very thankful to all support crew who supported me while our crew is not around.

6. Of course our VERY own God-fearing, vegetarian support crews Mr.  and Mrs. Torres and their daughter, Jed (driver/photographer) and Cousin’s gf. THANK YOU.

7. To our financier. Thank You So Much!
8. To our friends & relatives who believed and supported us. Thank You!

9. Thanks to BR Jovie Narcise for accepting our application to join.

10. To my fiancee, though not physically present. Thank you for prayers.


One response

  1. Fast Runner

    Wow! Congrats, very inspiring for the newbies. .

    Hope to try it too, but need more experience and training. . =)


    March 12, 2012 at 12:09 AM

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